Wednesday, September 1, 2010

We Are One Body

So over the weekend I attended the Antioch State convention. It was a wonderful experience fill with awesome people, inspiring talks and great times. It was a weekend off, to take a step back from the rush of normal life, to slow down and appreciate.
Earlier this year I attended a weekend for Antioch and although I was really quite sceptical at first, I went it with an open mind, as always, willing to try something new.

The state convention is basically a larger, slightly less jam packed version of the weekend. There were talks, liturgies and meds on Hope, Faith, Mission, Love, The Rosary, Sexuality and Self-image. Topics that wouldn’t normally be discussed in day to day lives, and not ever mentioned at school, for fear of offending. The talks are done by people around the same age, speaking truthfully without of fear of judgement, as there is none to give.

The people at Antioch all share similar values and they are friendly and kind, open and accepting. It’s really a lovely environment.

During one of these med, in pairs we had to answer some questions, they really got me thinking… because at that moment I really didn’t have any substantial answers to share. So with that in mind here are the questions that were posed to us:
- Tell your partner a bit about your life aims
- Describe a relationship you would like to try and improve
- Share a goal you have for the future. Concerns? Plans?
- Gifts that you have that you feel a call to share.
- How has your mood been lately? What struggles will you need to return to after the Convention?
- What gifts would you like to have?
- Share a world issue that concerns you. How can you use your gifts to make the world better?
- Name someone who inspires you… what gifts do you see in them?

I’m not going to lie; I did answer some of them, not to the extent that I wanted to. Some I was not able to answer because I genuinely didn’t know what I could say.

So I’ve decided that an aim that I want to achieve is to be able to answer these questions with clean decisive answers.

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